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Fern Brady

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Fern Brady is the founder and CEO of Inklings Publishing. She holds multiple Masters degrees and several certifications. She began her professional life as a foreign correspondent, taught for fifteen years in Alief ISD, and is a full-time Realtor in Houston. She has published numerous short stories, two children's picture books, and a couple of poems. Her debut novel, United Vidden, which is book one in her Thyrein’s Galactic Wall Series, was given a glowing review by Dr. Who Online, the official site of the fandom. She also has volume one of her graphic novel/novella hybrid project, New Beginning. She has returned to the leadership of the Houston Writers Guild, with whom she served as CEO for four years previously. She serves as co-host for two podcasts – Author Talk and The Hot Mess Express. Besides being Municipal Liaison for Nanowrimo Houston, she is also a member of Blood Over Texas, Romance Writers of America, and American Booksellers Association. Follow Fern's writing at:


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Lady Nefari Ydarb

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     Lady Nefari Ydarb was born in the year 25 IR (Imperial Reign) in Soane City on planet Jorn. The daughter of the Duke and Duchess of Soane, Lady Nefari has trained as a rajin and serves as an adjunct to the Rajin Conclave on behalf of planet Jorn. In 65 IR, she was appointed by Emperor Orlic to the committee on Intergalactic Animal Rights and Humane Treatment of Subhuman Species.

     On one of Lady Nefari’s trips to Houston, TX, she met Fern Brady, of Inklings Publishing, and the friendship grew over the years. Having been published throughout Thyrein’s Galactic Wall, Lady Nefari showed her work to Fern, who is now adapting Lady Nefari’s writing for an Earth audience. 

     Lady Nefari lives with her husband, Prince Straif, and their two children, Princess Cateline and Prince Fraedy on Ghoukas, a moon in the Audelk galaxy. Lady Nefari enjoys spending her days off with her dogs, riding on her trusty mare, and reading or writing in the cozy library of her home.

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